Brown & Slavery & Justice

Action Plans

Brown’s reckoning with issues of racial slavery and justice set a standard reflected in the University’s Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan, which places diversity, equity and inclusion at the center of Brown’s mission of achieving the highest levels of academic excellence.

Reaffirming the Essential Role of Diversity and Inclusion at Brown

The 2016 Pathways to Diversity and Inclusion: An Action Plan for Brown University, commonly known as the Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP), established an ambitious set of concrete, achievable actions to address obstacles that have long stood in the way of the success of historically underrepresented groups in higher education.

The DIAP reflects Brown’s commitment to supporting diversity, equity and inclusion in all aspects of University life — reflecting that these values are essential to carrying out Brown’s mission of education and research with excellence. In many ways, the University’s recognition of the importance of this work was a consequence of the expectation that Brown would continue the self-reflection, assessment and commitment to restorative change established about a decade earlier by the Slavery and Justice Report.

The University created a robust system of oversight to ensure accountability to the goals of diversity and inclusion.

The DIAP launched in 2016, DIAP Phase II launched in 2021, and the departmental DIAPs continue to ensure campus-wide engagement in achieving a more fully diverse and inclusive campus.
Brown is committed to building on the progress made in the first five years of its Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan, with ongoing work through DIAP Phase II.

News About the DIAP